# Protect against distributed CC Attacks (distributed HTTP flooding)

CC is an attack that uses a large number of HTTP requests to exhaust the server's resources. This type of attack is known as HTTP flooding.

If the attacker uses a small number of IP, the protection is simpler because it is only necessary to limit rate of requests per IP. But if the attacker uses a large number of IP to attack, simply limiting the rate of requests per IP will not help. This type of CC attack using a large number of IP is called a distributed CC attack or distributed HTTP flooding.

This module provides some mitigation methods.

# Enable CAPTCHA

See enable CAPTCHA.

# Enable Under-Attack-Mode

You may have heard of Cloudflare's Under-Attack-Mode, this module's Under-Attack-Mode is completely different from Cloudflare's. Its role is to detect whether the client can correctly support cookies, such as sending cookies and correctly handle the response header Set-Cookie.

You can enable Under-Attack-Mode by copying the file under-attack.html from the project's directory assets/ and copying it to a path, then modifying the nginx configuration file.

To enable Under-Attack-Mode, you need to copy the file /path/to/ngx_waf/assets/under-attack.html to a path, and then modify the nginx configuration file.

# LTS version

  • Enable Under-Attack-Mode for entire site.
    server {
        waf_under_attack on file=/path/to/under_attack.html;
  • Enable Under-Attack-Mode for a path.
    location /path {
        waf_under_attack on file=/path/to/under_attack.html;

# Current version

  • Enable Under-Attack-Mode for entire site.
    server {
        waf_under_attack on;
  • Enable Under-Attack-Mode for a path.
    location /path {
        waf_under_attack on;

# Reduce bandwidth usage when attacked

See reduce bandwidth usage when attacked.